To the members of the media,

Re: The Sunday People’s Michael Jackson Fabricated Stories

A few days ago, The Sunday People, a well-known British tabloid, published a misleading and titillating report stating that Michael Jackson had paid off dozens of boys to keep quiet about abuse they suffered at his hands.

The Sunday People cited the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as their source for these incredulous allegations, and very quickly, media outlets around the world (from People Magazine to Huffington Post) have copied and pasted the fabricated story without first vetting it. Had they read the story before pasting it onto their own sites or papers, many would have noticed the inconsistencies in the Sunday People's story.

Roger Friedman pointed this out first, while it took CNN mere days to debunk the original piece.

Following CNN’s lead, several legitimate media have since come out and challenged or dismissed The People Sunday’s fabricated FBI stories.

These allegations are categorically false.

The ONLY Michael Jackson files, which the FBI published a few months after his death in 2009, DO NOT corroborate the tabloid’s stories.Tom Mesereau, Jackson’s lead defense attorney in the 2005 molestation trial, confirmed this point, as he read Jackson’s released FBI files and none of the claims reported in the Sunday People, were true.

In fact, these very stories date back several decades.

They were first published by another tabloid over two decades ago, only to be disproven by a handful of ethical journalists and Jackson’s activist fans.

The People Sunday’s faux-FBI files are nothing more than statements made by a Jackson’s disgruntled ex-employee, who admitted on tape to fabricating and selling his stories to the tabloids.

In addition, this former employee admitted to embellishing his version of events, based on how much the tabloids were willing to pay.

The more outlandish the stories, the more money they would collect.

Quite simply, The Sunday People have recycled an already debunked story from decades ago.

The Michael Jackson fan community will no longer turn a blind eye to these blatantlies, and outlandish stories.

The lack of journalistic integrity coupled with the need for website hits and fierce competition for ad revenue, have allowed the media to forgo ethics for profit.

This “break the news first and vet the story later” attitude is irresponsible, reprehensible and does a great disservice to the public and the profession.

We implore the media to apply due diligence and restore some level of integrity in their news coverage.

Allow the public to have some confidence that the stories we are reading from our favorite newspapers, magazines or websites were vetted...not fabricated.

If the tabloids continue to knowingly publish false stories about Michael Jackson, his fans will have no other choice than to contact their bottom line; their sponsors, advertisers and ultimately, their profit.

Signed by the following seventy-one (71) Michael Jackson fan organizations


Michael Jackson's fan base is aware of derogatory statements made by certain members of the Jackson family, against the executors of his Estate. We are shocked and saddened that propaganda, rather than seeking avenues to address their concerns legally, have been used to gain sympathy. While we most certainly support the beneficiaries of Jackson's Estate, Katherine Jackson and Michael's children, we equally support the executors, Mr. John Branca and Mr. John McClain.

Jackson's fans understand that the task both Branca and McClain took on when Michael died was staggering. Weighted in nearly $400 million in debt, with an overwhelming amount of pending lawsuits, the Executors took the reins of the Estate and went to work.

Posthumously, the Executors have ensured the highest grossing music documentary of all time, This Is It, two successful albums, the number one tour in the world, Cirque du Soleil's IMMORTAL, sold millions of Michael Jackson The Experience video games, and are planning a huge release for the 25th anniversary of Jackson's legendary Bad album.

Although every fan does not agree with all decisions the Estate has made, we agree that overall, the Estate has done well in preserving Michael's legacy. In addition, we agree with the Estate, that "false and defamatory accusations grounded in stale Internet conspiracy" do nothing to promote the positive ethic Michael Jackson espoused while alive.

In three years, Jackson's Estate is thriving, nearly debt free and Michael Jackson's music is still at the forefront of the music industry. We wholeheartedly support Michael Jackson's final wishes; that he trusted both John Branca and John McClain to continue his message through his music. The Michael Jackson fan base thanks the Executors for continuing to do just that, with grace and dignity.

MJJCommunity, MJJUnderground, MJJJusticeProject, United4MJsLegacy, MJ Fans of NYC, MJ4Justice, Justice4MJ, TributoMJ, MJTruthNow, MJNation, SOMJ, Canadian MJ Fan Club, The Jam Café, Michael Jackson Vindication 2.0, Stop Global Airwave Abuse, Michael Jackson fans of Montreal, MJHellas, MJFSC, JacksonVillage, MJJUniverse,, Persian fans united, Jackson Québec

Note to fan groups: Please sign the letter and post it at your websites,blogs, forums, facebook and twitter accounts. Notify us and we'll add your name to the list.
Note to individual fans: Please post the letter at your blogs, facebook and twitter accounts and help with circulation of it.
die namen der jeweiligen gruppen (die die kommen und gehen) werden dann von mir nachgetragen.

momentan wechselt das hin und her.


Ein eigenes Denkmal für Michael Jackson in München
Gib Michael deine Stimme ♥

Liebe MJ Family, am 25.06.2009 ist unser geliebter Michael von uns gegangen und unsere Herzen trauern noch immer.

Seither wurde in vielen Städten und Orten an Michael gedacht.

Seine Fans wollten ihm nahe sein, die Trauer bewältigen, sich mit anderen Fans austauschen, aber auch aller Welt zeigen, wie sehr sie Michael geliebt haben und immer noch lieben.

So auch in München.

Hier gibt es auch noch Monate nach seinem Tod eine wundervolle Gedenkstätte am Orlando Di Lasso Denkmal gegenüber dem Hotel Bayerischer Hof.


Dank unseren lieben Denkmalfeen, die sich tagtäglich um die Pflege der Gedenkstätte kümmern, besteht diese noch immer.

Sie wird vom Denkmalkulturamt der Stadt München geduldet und dafür möchten wir uns hier an dieser Stelle bei Herrn Oberbürgermeister Christian Ude sowie den Stadträten recht herzlich bedanken.

Wir wissen aber auch, dass es so, wie es jetzt ist, wohl nicht auf Dauer bleiben kann und dass unsere geliebte, trostspendende Gedenkstätte irgendwann weichen muss.

Aus diesem Gedanken wurde eine Idee geboren.

Wir möchten ein eigenes Denkmal für Michael, hier in Deutschland, in München.

Das ist unser Traum.

Michael hat es so sehr verdient dauerhaft, für Generationen geehrt zu werden und eine Reise in die USA, um ihm zu Gedenken und nahe zu sein, kann sich leider auch nicht jeder leisten.

Um diese Idee zu realisieren brauchen wir Eure Hilfe!

Wir haben eine PETITION ins Leben gerufen,
um Unterschriften für diese Aktion zu sammeln.

Ein eigenes Denkmal für Michael ist ein Herzenswunsch von uns und ein großes Unternehmen, das mit viel Arbeit verbunden ist.

Somit freuen wir uns über jede Hilfe!

Veröffentlicht unsere Aktion, wo immer ihr könnt. Erzählt es euren Familien und Freunden.
Verlinkt uns in Foren und auf Fanseiten.

Gemeinsam sind wir stark, das fühlen wir.

Man muss nur ganz fest an seine Träume glauben, dann kann man es auch schaffen.

Michael hat immer an sich geglaubt und für seine Träume gekämpft. 
Nun sind wir Michaels Stimme!

Jetzt liegt es an uns, für MICHAEL zu kämpfen.
We are the Keepers of his Dreams.

Wir danken euch von ganzem Herzen ♥





Open Letter On Behalf of Michael Jackson Fans to the Mainstream Media

MJ said it himself that he did not wish to be called "Wacko Jacko".

WE, the undersigned are requesting the worldwide media cease from using any nicknames, slurs or negative epitaphs in regards to Michael Jackson. 
Always proud of his family,  Michael was very much adamant about being referred by his family surname: Jackson

We will update the petition with translations as we receive them.

Open Letter On Behalf of Michael Jackson Fans to the Mainstream Media Dear Worldwide

Mainstream Media,

We, the Michael Jackson fanbase, are keenly aware that the Society of Professional Journalists believe that public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy.
The duty of the journalist is to further those ends by seeking truth and providing a fair and comprehensive account of events and issues. And although this code of ethics is voluntary, the majority of journalists embrace this code, believing that professional integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist's credibility.

The Michael Jackson fan base is asking for a worldwide media ban of the use of the term "Jacko".
Rooted in racism and negativity, the name plants the suggestion of "Wacko Jacko" widely used by tabloids to identify Michael Jackson prior to death.
The media's use of this name directly contradicts professional journalists' code of ethics.
There is no "public enlightenment" with the use of the term "Jacko".
There is no truth to the name "Jacko" and there certainly is no provision for a fair or comprehensive account of any event or issue surrounding Michael Jackson.

The name "Jacko", when used by journalists has two priorities: ratings and revenue.
Additionally, the name is used to sway public opinion.
In a heightened age of mistrust of the media by the public, it is imperative that journalists truly use their sense of professional integrity, including avoiding the use of headline grabbing names that harm the subject or those related to him.

Leading the way are
Elysa Gardner from USA Today and CBS News, both of whom changed their headline from "Jacko" to "Jackson" when asked.
We are asking for the rest of the mainstream media to follow suit.
Journalists should see this as an act of human dignity, both for themselves as professionals, and for Michael Jackson and his family.

The Undersigned

Letter from Dr. Patrick Treacy:

I wholeheartedly support this substantial effort to prohibit the use of the name 'Jacko' in the media when referring to the late Michael Jackson.

In reality, this level of offense has continued for quite a period as there are two types of media presently functioning in western society.

One embraces objectivity and sees its function to provide credible news commentaries primarily written for its listeners and readers.

This type of professional reporter is usually devoid of having to please advertisers with high volume of sales, television audience management (TAM ratings) or ABC numbers.

The other type of reporter pens stories that are written solely to please advertisers.

These are usually subjective, lack credibility and often push the very limits of legality.

Their information sources usually lack proper credentials and may be untrustworthy.

Unfortunately, most people in society are poorly informed or inadequately educated and sometimes may not be able to differentiate between the subjective components of the believability of a source or message.

The media plays with the minds of these people solely to generate sales of their publications.

To achieve high volume they must write about someone who a lot of people know.

The absence of regulation in this marketplace leads to gross defamation of character and this is legally easier whenever the person in question is deceased.

This media induced misconception once even caused me to prevent Michael from visiting a paediatric hospital, (where I once worked as a junior doctor)to see some children who were recently firebombed in a car and who were left with horrific scars.

As he took off his wig and showed me his own burn injuries, I too felt his pain of how the media had treated him so unfairly.

I knew that the noble intention of his visit would be used by them.

On another occasion, I was contacted and offered a substantial sum to say he used drugs.

The worst of this as yet unfolding saga has still to come and I await with some trepidation to what new level the media will stoop to disrespect possibly the greatest humanitarian that the World has recently witnessed.

Dr. Patrick Treacy Medical Director Ailesbury Clinics Ltd. Suite 6 Merrion Court Ailesbury Road Dublin 4 IRELAND

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